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Zombie Survial Game                                                                                                                 February 2016 

Designed and developed a game in which the user survives by shooting projectiles at incoming enemies from both directions using python and pygame. Game background would change according to player's score along with the tempo of the music. Program included uses of classes and physics of game programming and characters were designed using Gimp.

Latest Projects

Java Hangman                                                                                                                            February 2016

Developed a text-based program that simulated the popular "Hangman" game. Program featured usage of data structures mainly arraylist to keep track of game board. 


I have always viewed projects as a way of applying the knowledge gained from the classroom. Within each project I have strived to incorporate the concepts taught within the class room along with any new topics, techniques and or knowledge that came from completing the project. Below is a list of the project I have completed throughout my journey as a computer scientist.

Pocket CS (Review Application for Computer Science students)                                               2016 - Present

Functionality of the android application is to provide review of core data structures and alogrithm concepts. The programming was split into two parts with me working on the front end of the application. Front end featured material design.

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